Country Insight

The power to see the inner workings of an economy

Country insight can be gained through our unique country models. They can be used to conduct impact analysis of alternative policy choices at the macroeconomic and industry levels. They can also be used to design alternative scenarios to forecast outcomes and thereby gain greater insight into smart policy design.

The web-based platform, allows for specific needs-based design and therefore, generates specific forecasts. This enables anticipation and assessment of the impact and probability of development-sensitive economic decisions that are country specific.

Our country models capture the internal complexities of a country’s economy at macroeconomic and industry levels. Thousands of data points interface with a reliable multi-sector macroeconomic model to generate values for key indicators and the impact of alternative policy choices.

Our country models differ from off the shelf static forecasts and reports. Country models allow the user to generate forecasts for scenarios that are specifically designed. The easy to use interface output helps the user to examine and assess forecasts and likely economic impacts of various macroeconomic and sector policies on growth, income and employment.

With a few quick keystrokes the models generate forecasts and runs ‘what if’ scenarios in order to examine and assess the impact of changing conditions and their impact on growth, income, employment and many other indicators; identify whether growth performance of the economy will be fast or slow; compare scenarios; or conduct cross-country analysis of alternative macroeconomic policy scenarios. Each country model is similarly structured to allow for easy comparison.